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Swarovski Brand Restrictions

Swarovski Brand & Trademark Restrictions

Swarovski implemented brand restrictions in October 2021 and since this date, approved customers are no longer allowed to use the ‘Swarovski’ name and trademark to advertise their products / service on their website, social media, product packaging or in person etc. 

You are allowed to refer to the crystals using any other words as long as you don’t use the ‘Swarovski’ name and trademark. You can use words such as ‘Crystals from Bluestreak’ or refer to their source origins such as ‘Crystals from Austria’ or ‘Austrian Crystals’.

The onboarding process involves you signing a Brand Control Agreement with Swarovski, which outlines the restrictions above. If these restrictions are not adhered to, Swarovski may cancel your account and we would be unable to supply you with Swarovski crystals.

Official Message From Swarovski - October 2021

We would like to inform you about important changes in the strategic direction of Swarovski’s B2B business and the respective consequences regarding our business relationship.

Swarovski has embarked on an extensive transformation program, merged its B2B and B2C businesses and will follow a one vision, one strategy, one organization approach from now on. Over the past months Swarovski has been reviewing all fields of activity worldwide to ensure that they are in line with the new strategic direction and economic realities. More than ever Swarovski wishes to protect its individual brand character and avoid confusion in the marketplace as to the nature and branding of products.

As a consequence, Swarovski will continue to offer its sustainable and precision-cut crystals to B2B customers but will be working with a limited number of wholesale customers, manufacturers and application center, in much closer collaboration in the future. In this context, we are delighted to confirm that Bluestreak Crystals will be one of those customers, and continue to offer Swarovski crystals in the future.

Nevertheless there are changes in the operating model that will affect us. More precisely, Swarovski will establish new brand control agreements and wishes our B2B customers to accept, that the purchase of crystal components does not entitle the customer to use the Swarovski brand when selling finished products embellished with Swarovski crystals. In other words, you will have to commit not to state “embellished with crystals from Swarovski” or similar, when selling finished products with Swarovski crystals to consumers.

This means, Swarovski’s new distribution model will focus on the protection of the Swarovski brand assets and is therefore designed for wholesale customers, manufacturers and application center, that re-sell the crystals to B2B customers, who are the crystal end-user, selling the finished products to consumers, and contractually agree to their new ways of working.